Servistim is used as an aid to breeders and farmers to help identify sows and gilts that are ready for insemination. Two sprays of Servisitim directly onto the sows nose from a distance of 20-30 cm will stimulate sows and gilts into showing the ‘standing’ reflex that shows they are ready for mating which coincides with the optimum time for conception. When used correctly, Servistim will effectively eliminate problems with heat detection in sows in the absence of the boar, and will optimise the efficiency of artificial insemination. Without the use of Servistim, there will be missed or wasted matings, which will cost the farmer at least 21 days extra feed and lost production. By using Servistim, along with artificial insemination the farmer is avoiding farming based on chance. He will instead be optimising reproduction and will therefore be economically more successful. Servistim can also be used to synchronise sows and gilts oestruses, so that groups of sows will come into heat all at the same time, further optimising the process of artificial insemination.