How to use and apply ESTROTECT™

Critical for Best Results


ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicators should be warmed to 100º F or 38º C immediately prior to application. This activates the adhesive and provides instant adhesion at lower temperatures. For small quantities (less than five Breeding Indicators), warming inside clothing is acceptable if given adequate time. For large quantities, put the indicators in a small cooler with a hot water bottle or other heat source, as this is more effective and consistent. Remember, the ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicator should always be soft and flexible at application for optimal adhesion.


Ideal location for placement on the cow is halfway between the hip and tail head with the ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicator evenly spaced perpendicular to the spine. Note: Protect Breeding Indicators from tail flicking by placing them near the top of the tail when fly counts are high.


Create optimal conditions for adhesion by vigorously brushing the coat across the backbone on the back half of the cow. Brush with the grain of the hair to remove dirt, dust and shedding hair. The ESTROTECT™ Rubber Brush is recommended as it does not raise excess dust and oil.


Clean the surface area when needed with an ESTROTECT™ Cleaning Cloth to completely remove any remaining dirt, dust, sand or sawdust. As with brushing, wipe with the grain of the hair and fold the cleaning cloth as needed. The ESTROTECT™ Cleaning Cloth is effective as long as it is sticky.


Place breeding indicator on the application site halfway between the hip and tail head. Press down firmly and rub into hair with bare fingers. Do not apply in rainy weather. DO NOT use ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicators with alcohol or oil-based pour-ons or sprays as they will damage the product. Doing so will void any warranty.



When cows have been mounted, the ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicator’s silver and black surface – featuring the NEW Breeding Bullseye™– is rubbed off by the friction of the mounting and will reveal the indicator color (red/orange, green, blue, yellow or fuchsia). With each mount, the silver and black surface will gradually reveal the indicator color indicating a true standing heat. Once the black Breeding Bullseye™ is rubbed off, or the equivalent area, this indicates the animal is in standing heat and the breeding protocol should be initiated. When the ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicator is activated by mounting activity, the indicator color should appear very shiny and polished. The indicator color will be less prevalent in high stress environments, hot weather, high production or in crowded conditions as cows may be less inclined to mount. If running various breeding programs or groups, use different colors of ESTROTECT™ Breeding Indicators. For instance, use a different color for each insemination to define how many times the animal has been bred. For more information, and to download a comprehensive breeding management program, visit


This product is guaranteed free of defects in material and workmanship for two years from the date of manufacture. Suitability of the product for the Buyer’s intended purposes is the responsibility of the Buyer. Liability is limited to the replacement value of the product. ©Rockway, Inc. All rights reserved. Estrotect, As Good As A Bull and Breeding Bullseye are trademarks of Rockway, Inc. Customer Service: 1-800-559-9704

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